Shinpo Co., Ltd. (Nagoya) has the No. 1 share of smokeless Yakiniku grills in Japan.
Japanese Chinese Korean
Vol.8 Common factors for successful restaurants

Vol.8 Yakiniku cuisine is like Sushi

Vol.7 Economic Growth in Asia and the Yakiniku Business

Vol.6 The Winds of Globalization are Blowing through Shanghai -- Impressions of FHC

Vol.5 Customers Choose Shinpo as a Strategy to Shift to High-End Restaurants

Vol.4 Getting over the Disaster

Vol.3 Conquering The Three Major Sapporo Beer Gardens: The reality of being "The Best in Japan"

Vol.2 Japanese quality, Chinese heart

Vol.1 China Making Progress

Common factors for successful restaurants

The answer is "enthusiastic employees." Staff at successful restaurants give guests terrific service.

Some restaurants welcome guests with a warm smile and others serve guests in a polite and quiet atmosphere. There is no point in establishing an overall standard how employees need to act, because each restaurant has its own style and strategy. However, all successful eateries have established their own style to wait on guests and all employees put these techniques into practice.

When I interviewed employees, some of them really convinced me. Some employees respect their owners and completely understand their concepts. Some are proud of working at the restaurants and even enjoy working at them.

Furthermore, the owners of these restaurants do care about their employeees. These owners are very aware of how important their staff is for operations.

When you think about employees, the natural choice is Shinpo grills, said a founder-president of a very successful restaurant. For details, please visit

II hope you grasp one of the reasons why the best restaurants choose Shinpo grills.




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